Major Mistakes People Make In Link Building

Link building is a top priority for most people looking to improve their sites ranking.  There are lots of different ways to get links to your site, but here are some of the major mistakes people make in their link building escapades.

Getting a link into someone else’s guest post

This is a big problem – it is disappointing when someone puts a link inside a quote you have given, or into a post you have written.  If you had wanted the quote to contain a link, you would put it in yourself!  It is not the webmaster’s right to do this.

Contacting the Client!

Surprisingly, this has actually happened!  It is so unbelievable stupid, but things can get confused and this embarassing mistake can happen…

Allowing someone to waste your time

This is a difficult one, as it can be tricky to tell when someone is purely wasting your time.  We have had issues with a webmaster constantly going back and forth for weeks before finally saying that they do not accept links on their site!


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